Just keep pushing...

I hope you all had a nice easter holiday break?  I may have gone a bit overboard with Easter eggs as there was such a good deal on them at Asda so my kitchen was partially reminiscent of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except I only had Keegan to do the washing up and not a small army of oompah-loompahs.

It was a good break though from work, payday on the Thursday and Keegan, Claire and I at the snowcentre first thing Good Friday morning for their Have a go freestyle session. 

Seems weird the full parks are no longer on a Friday evening though but thats the snowcentre's decision to do, or rather not do that.  Saturday morning and it was an even earlier wakey upey time as Keegan's freestyle lesson starting at 8am.  The good news though and I think Keegan is getting a little spoiled for this is his group lesson as well as the last one, well its been just a one-to-one with him and Dave Thompson.  Claire and I watching on from the warmth of the lodge bar as I'd only managed to stay out on the balcony for 30 minutes before thinking "sod this I'm freezing" and heading in for a large americano. 

Keegan (on the left) and Dave Thompson
So there we were, I was just checking on some FB posts and Claire says "I just don't think Keegan is feeling it today", I look up, yep, he's doing snow angels on the main slope.  Suffice to say it was one of those "you had to be there" moments because we were laughing our arses off.  Hell, even now I've just started laughing again at the very thought of it all.  It would seem that Claire and I have an ability to say the perfect thing at the perfect time to make it so much funnier than it should be.  Although the person that started it all off was a guy called Harrison with a simple "Have you destroyed it yet?" query.  Yes to the uninitiated its  just not that funny and poor Harrison had no idea what he'd said that had us in stitches.  But suffice to say he wasn't there to hear what we had just finished talking about, so in our minds it was a continuation.  But we've had a few moments like that, its like an unofficial contest and the winner is the person that gets the other to soil themselves / hurl because they're laughing so hard.  There is no official winner just yet, but believe me it is possible to laugh so hard you do believe you've broken a rib...

Heres another funny product that gave many a laugh, yes its garlic mayo or as I called it "Knob launch" sauce

I finally caved and did go ahead and buy a monthly pass as the summer months are now officially here according to the snow centre's season / off season calendar.  As I now have "unlimited" (don't get me started) access to the snowcentre I will be out there on the main slope when Keegan is having a lesson.  I won't be tagging onto Keegan's lesson as I just wont be able to blend in effectively but it's now time for me to start pushing myself again.  I need to start listening more to what I'm actually saying with regards to being out of my comfort zone because I've started to settle back into it and I feel my riding is suffering as a result. So it all starts next Tuesday where the charity snowboarding event is finally upon us.  This time next week I would like to say that my legs will be in pain, but I cannot say that as they'll be completely numb with nothing left in them at all.  Unfortunately though it would seem that the fundraising this time round hasn't been anywhere near as successful as it was last year so I think that this could well be the final year it'll be happening.  So I'm going to be making the most of it.  Tuesday morning's at the snowcentre has free instruction.  Last year there was a kicker on the training slope that I never used, but should it be there I'm going to make the most of it and hit it.  Yes I'll be afraid I'll fall over and hurt myself but I need to get past that.  Its my own "fear" that holds me back.  I like to think that I'm in a good place with my riding, yes its really come a long way, but I'm still seeing people do things that I believe I'm capable of doing, I just need to try, try and try again.  Yep I'm going to fall over, but that's what body armor is for, its not a fear of looking a right tit (or a left tit for that matter) but more of, well, hurting myself.  So if anyone out there knows of a way to overcome that, let me know.


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