Onwards and sidewards (and a little bit backwards)

Its strange when you think that you're making progress only to find that you've actually regressed.  Oh don't worry about me, I'm absolutely fine both physically and mentally (well the jury is still out on that one)

I'd had an already interesting day by the time I got to the snow centre with Keegan on Friday evening (I'll get into that later) but by the time I got there I was quiet.  Claire picked up on that straight away and was asking me what was wrong, but I had no answer to give because, well, I didn't know.  I thought maybe it was the rushed day at trying to get things done in time? Maybe the traffic on the M25 for the Bank Holiday weekend?  Maybe the stupid disclaimer we had to sign to say that the snowcentre or Sixt wouldn't be liable for any intentional damage to the £50,000 brand new BMW X2 parked in the middle of the slope?  No, it wasn't those things although the last thing was and still is in my eyes "bloody stupid".  No, what it was is that I regressed back to the previous freestyle night where I'd landed hard on my back a few times because I tried playing with the big boys. I wasn't seeing rails, bibby's or kickers, I was seeing "back injury", "back injury" oh and for good measure "back injury".  I had well and truly, lost my bottle.  Don't get me wrong, going downslope, a piece of piss.  But I only got the courage up to go over the small kicker (#13 on the above picture), forget about anything else.  Something else that didn't help my mood (and this is me venting) was I saw someone go over the big kicker (#6) they clipped the car accidentally, took quite a tumble, skis came off.  Where did the people go that we're standing by #6? Not to check that the guy was alright, but to see if there was any damage to the car...

Keegan was absolutely smashing it on the other features and was making everything look so damn easy (so very proud).  I tried lining myself up for #16 and lost my nerve at the last second so just went around it.  I need to get back into the right headspace before I even think about going to another Friday night.  As and when that'll happen I don't know, but its definitely a set back for me.

Crazy dog!
Lets backtrack several hours to something some of you may be aware of.  When I was on my balcony (on the first floor) waxing mine and Keegan’s snowboards, Sasha was out there with me enjoying the people watching as shown in the pictures...

My friend Claire came to visit and when Sasha saw her get out of her car... leapt onto the balcony railing! Her back legs were the only things on it and she was about to take the direct route to the garden downstairs.

It felt like time just slowed down... I got to Sasha who was about to complete her jump, put my arms around her and stop her. The adrenaline was definitely pumping because she’s not a light as a feather dog but she did feel like it then as I had my left arm round her hind quarters and my right arm around her front so her legs looked like she had been hog tied and I placed her safely back on the balcony floor.

OMG. Claire said she’d never seen me move so fast in all the time she’s known me (I’m not built for speed).  I now keep an eye on Sasha whenever she goes onto the balcony as I just don't trust her to not try to throw herself off of it.

Virgin media

I completely forgot to put into my last entry about Virgin "bloody" media and the fact that for 4 days I was without TV and internet!  OK it wasn't just me, it would seem that it was affecting Woking and potentially surrounding areas.  So I took to Twitter to have a whinge and in the process made a new "friend / acquaintance" (https://twitter.com/Jenzy84) that was also voicing her displeasure at the (lack of) service.  But not only that, for the joke amount of compensation VM had offered her which I believe was £4 in total.  Bloody poor show virgin media!  It would also seem that with VM's terms and conditions, you'll only be offered compensation if you actually file a complaint while the outage is happening so they're aware of it or something ridiculous like that and yet on their service status page they knew there was an issue so people shouldn't have to say "theres a problem" when VM know that there is one.  Grrrrrrrr.  I've not actually been told if I'll get any credit on my next bill but I'm definitely expecting to see something. I pay one hell of alot of money for my VM connection on a monthly basis and as such do not expect major outages such as that for an extended period of time.

I think what annoyed everyone the most was VM shifting the date / time of a fix whenever a deadline elapsed.  Honestly, if you don't know when / if it'll be done, then don't specify a deadline...

Lets not end on a negative / whinge

So I'm still getting my butt to the gym in preparation for the Prudential RideLondon.  Yesterday was a great session on the bike as I managed to do nearly an extra mile in the time I was on the bike (which was 65 minutes) so 19.41 miles (when it used to be 18.5) does make the magic 20 mile marker seem very attainable.  I definitely believe I have it in me to be able to reach and surpass that distance so I just need to push myself even harder next time.  It does get quite boring though being on the bike so I do try to zone out so I'm not aware of the seconds as they drag by.  Theres definitely stuff left in my legs at the end of it so I know I'm not pushing themselves to capacity but my heart rate tends to peak at about 163bpm towards the end of it and I keep my rpm's between 100 - 120 (ideally 110-120) although I completely hammered it for 1 minute and got up to 153rpm's but my legs started screaming at me towards the end :-)


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