A catch up on events

Hey all! Happy Monday?  Hmmmm that felt weird to type. Sorry its been a while since I posted, I'll admit to be struggling for material to put into this entry to keep it even semi-engaging but my random brain has really come through for me the last few days

Avengers : Infinity War
Keegan and I finally got to see this film!  Again, being the seat snob that I now am, we sat in the recliner section right in the middle of the front row, Keegan sitting to the left of me.  To the right of me was a family and I was sitting next to their son who was the biggest fidget I've ever "met".  He eventually settled and stopped talking to the characters in the film.

That being said Keegan and I both really enjoyed the film.  I'd heard that they really tried to fit a lot into this movie and they weren't kidding.  There was no letting up on things at all!  Keegan and I both had our favourite parts but I'm not going to say anything about it at all in case you're intending to watch it and I don't want to spoil it for you.  Suffice to say, Thanos is a complete bad-ass but the film is putting an interesting "spin" on his motivations.

TV Adverts by marketing people that don't have a clue
I can appreciate that adverts are marketing and trying to get people to buy things that they potentially don't even need, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and talk about one in particular, tampax.  Now, to children its just a TV ad that blurs in with all the others they may see, although you don't really see any "feminine hygiene" adverts on the cartoon network, Nickelodeon as it doesn't really fit in with the target demographic.  But on "regular" TV I have to complain that these adverts are not fair at all. 

Why aren't they fair Dave?  Well they're not fair because they're setting men up for failure.

But these products are meant for women, not men? Yes that's true, and even if there was a TV channel intended solely for women, men would still chance across it.

What do we all see when you think of one of these sorts of advertisements?  I'll tell you what I think of... Happy, smiley ladies just keeping on going like everything.  So, I pinged a message over to lady Finnimore of the Finnimore's because she's really the only person that I could ask this question of in the middle of the day and get a prompt response...

Now not everyone has their own Finnimore to ask pretty much anything "lady" related they like.  So therein lies the issue.  Those are the ones being set up to fail.  OK fine its all different from person to person, but what I'm trying to say is those actresses on TV should have, on principal refused to do the advert because its just not bloody (no pun intended) accurate.

There are men around the world, poor, naive, innocent men watching these ads and wondering why their friends / other halves are making such a meal out of it as they sit on the couch in the recovery position, a hot water bottle pressed against their abdomen every month and stare at him with homicidal intent when all their other half has to do is come home from work and ask a simple question.  No, its not "are you OK?", its... "Whats for dinner?"

What a pain in the neck
So I'll split the day of the Finnimore's BBQ into two parts as I started dumping all this in there and realised it should have its own "bit".  I woke up on the Sunday of the bank holiday weekend with a terrible pain in my neck.  Of course I just put it down to me simply "sleeping weird" which I'm sure the majority of us have done. So I just aimed to tough it out for the day itself and hope to forget about it.  The next day it was still hurting, but not only that, I also noticed that whenever I "rolled" my shoulder I could hear clicking in my collarbone.  Incidentally this was all on the left side of my neck and also my left shoulder.  Again, I toughed it out, but I did pop some ibuprofen and put a frozen gel pack on my neck while I watched several episodes of "Spartacus" on Netflix.

Tuesday, I woke up, the pain is exactly the same.  So I'm now getting worried, suspected trapped nerve because I'd heard about those.  Best call the Dr's to try to get an appointment (yeah right).  I finally managed to get a telephone appt but that never happened.  The day spent on the couch doing nothing with my left arm watching even more Spartacus.  Speaking to Claire she said (and I didn't know why I didn't think of this), "What about Magdi? Perhaps she can help". For those of you that probably aren't aware, Magdi is the massage therapist I went to see two days after I did the snowboarding charity event and I thought my legs were going to explode.  I told her what ailed me and she was able to see my that evening.  I remember laying there on her table smelling like a chocolate orange and she starts working away on my neck and shoulders.  When she was doing my left shoulder it reminded me of getting a box of rice krispies, taking the bag out that they are contained in, and crunching it with your bare hands, thats what my left shoulder felt and sounded like to me when Magdi was doing her thing.  Suffice to say my right shoulder never made a peep.

Anyway, the next day I could already tell the difference, coincidence or not (I wont believe it is) and my shoulder & neck started to improve daily after that.  So thank you to Magdi for coming to my rescue!

First BBQ of the year
Sasha and I went to our first BBQ of the year at Claire and Andrews place on the bank holiday weekend just gone. Isn't it always the thing about going to a BBQ, you cannot judge how much meat to bring along?  So I scaled back and brought up only 6 trays of chicken legs / wings.  Being the comic genius that I am, I also brought up a tray of some Brazilian chicken just so I could say to someone "I got you a Brazilian".

please note that the above table doesn't even show a fraction of the meat that was available.  I should have taken a picture of the stack next to grill master Finnimore as the below pic doesn't show it at its peak...

Of course Sasha came along and had a great time splashing about in the pool with Shadow

several hours of doggy playtime...

Of course, after a day at the Finnimores there the after effects...

I'd gone and made a chilli / garlic butter which I left up there for everyone (Claire) to enjoy.  Andrew had some and a most pleasing of reviews "My face is melting".  Thank you Andrew that really made me smile when I heard that's what you said.

it was a simple recipe but I couldn't find a 400g container of butter so lurpak does 500g and in there I put 15 garlic cloves, 12 scotch bonnets chillies, 6 birds eye chillies and some chipotle chilli flakes.  I was concerned that there wasn't enough garlic in there but apparently there was.

I've since made another fresh batch of the stuff for my personal consumption at home.  This time though, I've kept the amount of butter the same

this there is about 26 cloves in that one (they were a pain to peel)

I showed the above picture to Claire and she said "Is that all the chillies you're putting in?".  Instantly I went into shame mode, that was me well and truly told.  So before Keegan and I dashed off to the cinema we went to Asda and I picked up three more bags of chillies.  TBH I'm not sure how many chillies there are in this one now as I stopped counting.  There may not be the same number of scotch bonnets or it may be close but there are definitely more birds eye chillies gone into this one (Daves personal reserve)

OK, I'm going to sign this one off for now, but before I go I want to thank you all for reading my blog posts.  This one is entry #23 and up to today, from the very first post I did back in February I've had just under 1,800 visits.  While I can appreciate that a certain amount will be web bots doing their crawling stuff (especially when I was attracting traffic from Peru) but its just nice that you, a person are taking the time out to read these oh so random ramblings of mine.


  1. Glad you enjoyed the BBQ, there will be another one occuring soon.

    I do think that these blogs are hilarious and thoughtful, but only scratch the surface of the complete randomness that goes on in your head!!


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