A random mismash of stuff

I was talking to a friend this morning about how therapeutic I find writing in my blog.  Its like a venting system of sorts for my brain.  While there could be nobody reading this or millions of people reading it, once its up there and posted then its all good and done.  But I will admit to periodically checking the stats on my blog as I have the luxury of being able to do that with the blogger dashboard.  So far, the "Who's your biggest competition" has been my most read entry at 166 views. In total I'm sitting on 1,051 page views.  But this post isn't about number crunching stats, although I did go off on that tangent.  No, its about writing about things I think, or see, or read.  Sometimes as you know there'll be no entries on a day (the famine days) but recently, in other words, yesterday, there's been a few things I'd like to write about.

Lets start off on something positive, no, not snowboarding related although Keegan and I do have a three hour lift pass to the snowcentre this weekend!  This'll be the first time I've been on my snowboard since we came back from Austria.  No, I stepped on the scales this morning, yep, my weight loss journey continues, but for how much longer I wonder.  I am 189.6lbs or if you want it in other units its 13stone 7.6lbs or for the metrically minded, 86kgs.  I'm now only 0.6lbs away from my target :-).

This morning I wake up and I read about the latest cock up by United Airlines.  For those of you that may not have heard, the flight attendant made a lady place her dog in the overhead luggage compartment.  Unfortunately at the end of the three hour flight from Houston to New York, the 10 month old puppy had died.  As a dog owner I was absolutely outraged.  The passenger had the puppy in one of those carry-on bag things intended for animals.  They'd even paid the fee (approx $200) to have the bag brought into the passenger compartment (i.e. not checked in to the hold).  The airline stipulates that the bag needs to be small enough to go under the seat in front of you.  But it would seem like the attendant didn't really give a shit about that and forced this mother, travelling with her 11 year old daughter and infant son, to stow the family pet in the overhead compartment.  If you're getting a bit of deja-vous regarding United Airlines.  This was the same airline that forceably dragged a paid for passenger (the fact he was a doctor doesn't come into it) off an overbooked flight because he refused to give up his seat.  I guess they're of the opinion that any media exposure is better than none.  Of course the airline is completely apologetic, blah blah blah, "We're investigating how this happened", you know, the typical spiel that is banded out when a company fucks up.  I wasn't even on the flight and I could hazard a pretty good guess as to what happened.  The mother brought her family and pet on-board, playing by United's rules.  The attendant (after some resistance from the mother) insisted the pet be stowed in the compartment.  The world knows how United treated the doctor for not playing ball, its no secret.  So after being told the dog would be absolutely fine, she complies.  Three hours later, after some muffled barking coming from the compartment in the first parts of the flight, the barking stops.  Now United are playing the damage control game because their attendant (a representative of the airline) fucked up in a colossal manner.  They accept full responsibility (well duh!), they've reached out to the family (out of court settlement) and they've refunded the ticket costs (oh yeah, that just the tip of the ice berg).  The attendant (I have to call her that as her name has not been released, and probably for her own good) said she didn't know there was an animal, inside this animal carrier.  Yet somehow the other passengers knew and were aware. So as one of Keegan's favourite YouTubers (Jack Septic Eye) would say... "I call bullshit on that".

Next up I'm going to continue something I wrote on my FB random ramblings group.  If you may recall there was a lady that I had started seeing towards the end of 2016 but it all came to a very abrupt and unceremonious end where I woke up on a Monday morning to a text message from her that read "Classic Dave, take care of yourself dude" and she'd blocked me from texting / whatsapp / facebook, pretty much any channel of communication between us.  To those of you reading this for the first time, I genuinely, hand on heart do not know what I did to warrant anything like that.  So I tried reaching out with an email to her late last year (yes 1 whole year later), whether or not she received it I'll never know.  But it was me seeking closure.  Anyway, last night I was on the POF app and she popped up in my potential matches.  It was like that scene from Casa Blanca (not that I've seen the film)...

So I sent her a message, there was some small talk and that was it.  But I'd still not asked her the question that had been burning in my mind for the entirety of 2017.... "Why?".  Yes I'd accepted that was it between us and being all "stalky" isn't my thing.  I'd been to Hemel many times since then and not once even had the compunction to go to her place directly. I'd even had a few drinks with my friend Claire in Hemel and we'd start in a pub that was close to where she lives, again, no urge to go there and ask "Why?".  Not because I didn't want to know, oh bloody hell did I ever, but because, well, thats not me.  So, I woke up this morning absolutely kicking myself that I was interacting with her and said nothing.  Did my morning routine and wrote one last message to her on POF.  This time I know she's received it.  Here's my message below that I sent this morning, the top has been truncated as it has her name.

But, once I sent that, it was like something had lifted from me that had been there for a bloody long time. 

Closure, its a powerful thing and we all need it in various aspects of our lives.  From the more morbid, going to a funeral is your chance to say goodbye to someone you love / respect to knowing that an action or inaction has consequences and this was a result.  That's closure and part of the healing / learning process so you can effectively move on.  Not saying I've been stuck in 2016 for the entirety of 2017 and early 2018 but hopefully my inane ramblings have muddled out some kind of rationale and you know what I'm trying to get at.  I was, what I thought, in the start of a good relationship before it all came to an end.  If I were to focus on that aspect only I'd want to try again.  But as I don't know why she ended it, there's no way I could tell myself that she wouldn't do it again so I wont poke the proverbial sleeping bear...


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