I'm living the confused.com lifestyle

I'd have blagged the URL but unfortunately it was already taken by the Johnny (Brian)-five "short circuit" type robot but I've been having quite a few senior moments that I'm sure will entertain you or at the very least make you glad you've still got most of your faculties in order.

The main part of this blog entry started last Friday (20th April), there is another separate incident which I'll just say, "leaving the best for last" that occurred before then.  Anywho, Claire F decided to come on down and visit the massage therapist that I went to see when I was suffering from post traumatic rigour mortis in my legs after the snowboarding event.  I suggested we go out for dinner to a place in Croydon called the JRC world buffet (it used to be called Cosmo's).  Knowing the place can get quite busy I booked a table for 8pm which I thought would make the journey to Croydon relatively post-rush hour free.  So, Claire got to mine and we start the journey at about 7:05pm.  I switch on the sat-nav and it says we're going to get there about 8:05pm, so I put my foot down a bit to give a bit of breathing space on the ETA.

Now most of the way there the traffic was OK until we left the motorway, I'm not sure if it was a camera or a car going over a speed bump but I may have been flashed, although I'm thinking more the latter.  We get to the restaurant, up the stairs two at a time, into the foyer / reception bit.  I apologised for being 4 minutes late.  They took my name but were having problems locating the reservation on the computer system.  They asked to see my reservation so I opened it on my phone to show them.  As it turns out we were not 4 minutes late at all, in fact we were 23 hour and 56 minutes early as I had made the reservation for Saturday night and not that evening.

Despite that, they were able to seat us (and cancel the booking for the following evening).  Now if you've never been to the JRC world buffet what first strikes you is its size.  Fortunately the owners realised this so the table mat paper placeholder things are maps

I'd been here previously when it was Cosmo's and one of the things I remember then was at least one more cooking station where you could get shellfish (lobster). But they've done away with that now, although there are bottomless soft drinks included in your entry price and number 4 on the picture above is a new addition.

I took a couple of photos from the dishes that I got, but I dont tend to get all snap happy when walking around an establishment in case the chefs / owners think I'm some sort of health inspector.  But I did take a couple of photos of some dishes I brought back to the table, so without further ado heres a couple of "food porn" pics for your enjoyment:

on the right of the pic is a bowl of hot & sour soup.  it wasn't bad, but a tad bland for my liking.  On my plate is a selection of meats / rib things including a bbq duck leg at the bottom there.

Now quite the cuisine mix up.  Chicken tikka, macaroni cheese, crispy duck, shiesh kebab some chinese style meat bun that Claire also got and I tried to gross her out by when she ate hers is when I chose to ask "Does it remind you of a sebaceous cyst?"  (I'm sure she was laughing on the inside anyway)

Still, while there was a large amount of food on offer in comparison to the selection available at Jimmy Spices, I did find it a tad bland, which as you may know with me, its all about the flavour.  Yes I would go there again, but not as a trip especially for the purpose.  I'm glad Jimmy Spices is much closer.

Saturday night gym session
As I'd not been for a while I thought I had best get to the gym.  Although I did arrived there a little later than intended where I was going to get there for about lunchtime, but decided to get there for about 10pm instead, well you can't rush these things now can you?  So, this time I remembered all the necessaries, padlock, towel (VERY important), water bottle (even more VERY important). I get there and the drizzle is starting...  OK, straight to the bike I head (after going to the locker).  Set the timer for 60 minutes and away I "go".

I was so glad I brought a towel as once I got into my rhythm which was about 110 - 120 rpm then it was like I had sprung a leak.  There even was a small pool of sweat dripping down off the handle bars.  But, come the end of the hour and the 5 minute cool down period, I looked down....

oh bloody hell, thats unfortunate!  So another half an hour in the gym on the weight machines looking like I couldn't be bothered to go to the toilet...

The two (many) Claire's
Ironically neither of them are Claire F in case you were wondering.  So, lets call them Claire #1 and Claire #2.  I met both of them on Plenty Of Fish.  Claire #1 lives in Watford, #2 lives in Guildford. 

Anyway to clarify, I was not seeing them simultaneously.  Claire #1 - first date we went for a drink, well I was on diet cokes.  That date went well so we had a second, was meant to be dinner but we ended up going to Subway instead.  She was a little "off" with me, said she wasn't sure about things and that was it.  At the end of the second date she said that she may get back in touch with me, to which I told her that she can't leave people hanging like that.

Claire #2 - first date we went for a drink (picking up a pattern here?), again, I was on diet cokes.  First date went well and we organised to go out for dinner on the second the following week.  The contact dropped from regularly whatsapping to maybe 1 or 2 messages a day. A couple of days before we were meant to have a date, she said she wasn't sure about things to which I replied "Why am I not surprised" and that was it.

Anyway, both these Claires on whatsapp had pictures of their doggies as their images.  So, fast forwards a month.  Out of the blue I get a Whatsapp message from Claire saying how she feels she made a mistake, and would I reconsider trying for dinner again.  We exchanged a few messages, but I was not interested to be honest, but I wasn't leading her on.  Thing was, I thought I was talking to Claire #1, nope, turns out it was Claire #2.  Ooops


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