Time change! Dusting off the road bike...

Hi all!

I hope you all had a nice weekend.  I went into last weekend a massive 1.6lbs UNDER my target weight.  Then I had a complete "treat myself" and my weight this morning, well, lets just say that I'm not under my target anymore.  Although I suspect that things will start shifting downwards again once Dave gets back to this normal programming.

So, it was a semi-relaxing weekend.  Finally watched Despicable Me 3 which I enjoyed and also Transformers : The Last Knight which wasn't bad either (but not the best transformers film).  It was strange seeing Anthony Hopkins taking on a transformer in a battle that, well, didn't last very long, but still.

So yesterday I actually got out on my road bike for the first time since June 2015.  I wasn't sure whether my cycling wear was still going to fit but I don't think it looks too bad.  Oh and in case you're wondering, no I'm not deliberately sucking in my gut especially for the picture.  It was a nice 28 mile cycle ride and fortunately the weather held out for me so it wasn't too cold.  The downside, being saddle sore.  As you may have guessed its not related to my legs being sore which they kinda were at the end.  Oh no, this is the reason I wasn't sitting upright in my chair at work on Monday.  Today (Tuesday) its much better but still a little tender.

I'm looking forwards to this week and of course next only being 4 days each.  We're now getting into that time of the year when the Bank Holidays start to happen.  I don't know about you but I don't really keep track of when they occur until I hear someone mention them in the office or hear about it on the TV.  Its like when the clocks change, how many of us know when that happens?  Plus then you need to go around all the clocks in your individual world and make sure that they have the correct time on them.  Some of them change automatically, others, well you need to do it yourself.  Fortunately my phone does it on its own but then there's always that one important clock you forget about.  For me it was the one in my car, I was looking to head out Sunday evening and then realised that I had 1 less hour in which to base my decision on.  But then I also don't like making plans ahead of time on those days as I think that everyone else hasn't adjusted their clocks so will be pissed at me for either being an hour late or I'll be waiting around for them because they'll be an hour late (although I'd like to think I'd not be as pissed about it as they would be if the shoe was on the other foot).


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