I hit target! Well, kinda

Hey there everyone.  Well it was quite a mixed bag for me at the weekend.  Going into it just shy of my weight loss target and having Keegan so some nice activities were planned (or as us adults call it "cardio").  First of all we went to gravity force in Camberley.  It was the last session of the day (or should that be evening) so we get there and its absolutely deserted for jumpers.  The person behind the desk seemed to know my name, turns out I'm not famous it was just Keegan and I bouncing for the last hour.  So, just as the euphoria was kicking in that we had the entire place to ourselves, about 4 / 5 more people came in.... well bugger.

That being said we had a warm up, the balance was quite a bit off as I wasn't carrying anywhere near the same about of ballast as I had been the last time I was there but that soon settled down, although I was starting to think that jeans were not proper bouncing attire.  Nevemind having a t-shirt that felt extremely baggy and a bit of a quasi-parachute billowing on the descents.

It didn't take Keegan long to settle into his normal bouncing activities which now include back and front flips.  I started to find myself wishing I could also do the same but it had been an eternity since I did a front flip into a swimming pool.  There is a "foam pit" that I've jumped into a couple of times but I really don't enjoy it that much as I feel like a turtle on my back when trying to get back out of it.  I'm sure I'll give it another go soon on another late night session when theres not a queue of people I'm holding up when trying to get out the pit while also holding onto the "jump socks" you get given as they really want to then come off your feet when you're in there and trying to find something to stand on to get back out of the pit.  I dread to think of the number of socks actually in there that have come off.  For their owners to consign them to jumping sock history and go buy another pair for £2.  Then we were onto the dodge ball court to launch these half inflated plastic balls at one another.  I was quite pleased with my aim despite me not having my glasses on.  Keegan on the other hand wasn't best pleased with my aim, but hey, he would insist on standing still enough, but after a few shots to the torso / legs and one square to the head he became alot more mobile.

Saturday morning I stepped on the scales and couldn't believe it.....

Mission accomplished!  But, for how long?  While I was finally under my target weight, I then started wondering if it only becomes official if you weigh yourself in the evening and are still under it?  Or maybe being under it more than you're over it?  Our body weight fluctuates, its a natural thing so I'm not too sure if I have hit target or not.  The black & white of it says "yes" because the photo shows it, but the grey says "nope, not yet Dave" because this morning (Monday) when I weighed myself I was back over it.

The freezing wind was picking up and I needed to get the snowboards finished as we were heading to the snowcentre for a 3 hour evening pass.  Being out on the balcony with that wind chill wasn't the ideal way to relax but the temperatures made the boards cool much faster than normal.  So it wasn't the usual rinse and repeat job I normally do on a snowboard but it definitely did the trick.  That evening we went back to the snowcentre and it was quite surreal for me to be back on my snowboard in, by comparison, cramped conditions.  Pretty much everyone I might have recognised was away on a snowcentre trip to Nendaz (Switzerland) and the main slope was, well, the official term is "variable terrain", but to the rest of us its "bumpy as hell".  But thats what happens when it gets to the last three hours of the day when the slope has had people on it from 8am.  It has made me appreciate the charity event coming up next month though as I'll be hitting the main slope while still perfectly groomed from the night before.  But it doesn't take long for it to look like a bomb has hit it... 

My riding on the night though I was quite pleased with myself.  I'm still nowhere near as brave as Keegan at launching myself in the air, but I did deliberately try to take off by aiming square at some of the larger bumps that Keegan was also using.  Another small victory was the penguin walking was much better.  For the uninitiated its where you can traverse a flat section of terrain while still having both feet strapped into your bindings.  The first time though I got to the drag lift, then, boosted by me having done that I then attempted to rotate around into a switch position (that's where you have your "non-dominant" leg leading).  But, my body just didn't want to play so I ended up falling over and nearly taking Keegan out but I did manage to get out the way just in the nick of time.

About halfway into the session we took a mini break at the bottom of the slope so I could get a coffee and play around with the filters on the phone. 

Sunday morning came along and I was feeling a tad... sore.  The physical exertions of the weekend were starting to take their toll so it was a day of relaxation, aka "a home day".  But we still needed to get to Asda for packed lunch and dinner supplies.  I went and had my typical SW inspired breakfast, so when we got to the supermarket and as Keegan hadn't had breakfast I said we'd get him a small "six item" cooked breakfast.  The guy behind the checkout looked like I was talking in a different language when I just ordered a single breakfast.  Part of me now wonders if he thought I was being a git and was going to eat it with my hungry son watching on to see if I would toss him any scraps. 

I was WhatsApp-ing Claire while she was having a (presumably well deserved) beer break in Switzerland, just to get an idea on how to make a slow cooker pataks curry.  So after a bit of time monopolising and asking 20 questions I think I've finally grasped it.  Sauce in, skin removed, cook for 6 - 8 hours, oh and make sure the thighs are covered in sauce.  So I have a slow cooker chicken thigh madras to look forwards to this week. mmmmm, theres comfort food for you isn't there.  So thank you Claire for taking time away from your beers to answer my questions.

I'm going to wrap this up now but I just want to say thank you to all of those kind words I received on FB when I posted the picture of the weighing scales showing I'd finally hit my target.  Its really nice having people around me that are such a positive influence when something like that goes onto my wall.  Yes, we all rib one another and there is always banter, but deep down they're all a great bunch of guys (and ladies)

But hey, from the picture below just goes to show that you cannot please everyone LOL


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