Yep, the first Kaprun breakage already...

Hey there everyone 

Well a few days in now to our Kaprun adventure and it’s been such an experience so far!  We’ve had bluebird skies and the complete opposite.  Helpful hint, when visibility is poor, do NOT go down a black run!

That being said, today was absolutely gorgeous and apparently we’re due the same weather tomorrow.

Keegan managed to break his boots so a bit of retail therapy was in order.  To be honest he was about to outgrow his old boots so not a moment too soon.  The flip side to that was also needing to get new bindings as his boots were too big for his old ones.  So new boots and bindings then off to the mountain we went!

I’ll keep this blog entry short as the layout really does go to crap when typing it all out on an iPhone once the entry gets too long.

I’ll report in tomorrow with more updates.  Suffice to say that Keegan has challenged me to break 35mph on my snowboard.  So far I got up to 33.8 😊


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