Yay! Three day weekend!

Well dont get jealous just yet as I'm taking my car in for a service as the dreaded "Service Oil" message appeared the day before Keegan and I headed off to Kaprun.  I tend to take it to a family run garage in Woking and they've always done a good job with the added bonus they don't charge a fortune on labour charges unlike the garage across the road from my office that charges £80+VAT per hour which isn't bad work if you can get it.

I think the last time I took it across the road was to get an MOT done back in 2015 / 2016.  It was convenient as I also only had a 1 minute walk to work as opposed to the 10(ish) minute walk from where I normally park (because its free).  Anyway, I could also peer out of the office window to see if my car was being worked on etc.  I remember seeing the car had been moved into the garage so knew it was being MOT'd, about 30 minutes later I see what I thought was a smoke cloud billowing out of the garage.  Turns out that was them doing the emissions test on my car.  I received a phone call from the garage about 40 minutes later saying that it had temporarily failed the emissions test but they went and used a bottle of Wynns...

...and then took my car out for a short drive.  Retried the emissions test and it passed with flying colours.  But I'll never forget seeing that soot cloud coming out of the garage and thinking "OMG whats happened in there???".  I must admit that when I got the car back, it ran so much better and was incredibly responsive to putting my foot down, good ole Wynns.  Unfortunately the joy was short lived as a few weeks later I wrote my car off.  Still, on the plus side, the insurance company valued my car at double what I actually paid for it.

It feels strange that I'm now not going to see Keegan until next Wednesday evening as I've seen him for the past three consecutive weekends now.  I normally have him every other weekend but we keep it flexible and so can change weekends given enough notice.  So I had my normal "dad" weekend at the start of the month, the following weekend we flew out to Kaprun and the weekend after that was my normal dad weekend also. So its coming up to the end of February and I've not seen him for 5 days in total.

It would appear that my family are hopping on the SlimmingWorld bandwagon again.  Yes OK I only went briefly but I'm still following the dietary foodstuffs.  Losing 1.5 stone and not setting foot in a gym was an apparent selling point to my parents too.  My parents were kind enough to look after Sasha while Keegan and I went away to Kaprun but it was a real eye opener seeing some of the food left in the fridge when we got back.  No, I'm not saying "my body is a temple" but you definitely do appreciate more what you're putting into it and the amount of work it'll take to reverse the effects of any crap food too.  So, there was a packet of posh sausages in the fridge (I call them posh because they came from Waitrose)...

of course I zoomed in on the red boxes and couldn't believe that only TWO sausages in this packet of six was nearly half the daily recommended allowance of saturated fats.  I'll admit that I was munching on some dry special K when I was reading this packet and I did need to "syn" that, but by comparison I needed to have about 3 or 4 bowls to even get close to two sausages.

I stepped on the scales this morning and couldn't believe that I'm now only 1lb heavier than I was before I went away.  So to put it into perspective I've shifted 6.8lbs in 3 days simply by going back to the routine I was in before I went away.  So now I'm also only 6.8lbs off my target weight although I am expecting to plateau again and only be losing at most 1lb a week if I do see a shift at all.

To cap this post off I have to say how impressed I was with the google photos app.  It took a load of pictures and collated them into a collage with backing music to go with it.  I woke up in the morning and saw that it had done it, but it also allowed me to edit it.  So I went and added a few more photos from Kaprun and changed the music to a backing track called "Never look back".  I placed this on my FB wall already but if you want to check it out, I've inserted it into this blog entry below..

Until next time



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