Tick, tock, weekend imminent

Good morning everyone.  Firstly happy Friday to you all!

So this time tomorrow Keegan and I will be on our way to Salzburg.  The bags are very nearly all packed.  The snowboards have had their final scrape, brush, and Zardoz.  They are now resting base up on top of Sasha's crate since yesterday evening, they're looking incredibly shiny and ready to go play.

Do you ever get that feeling when you're about to leave home that you're forgetting something?  I had it this morning when I was standing by my front door about to close it.  Yes I didn't have my front door key but that's because my parents are staying at mine while Keegan and I are away.  They get their own space and Sasha gets to be at home among familiar surroundings.  So anyway, I knew it wasn't that, because I hadn't forgotten it.  I had my wallet, my car key, my work door pass was in my car.  So I just shut the door and went to work.  I've now just remembered what it is...  Today is the day that the Prudential RideLondon system opens up and I can pay my entry fee.  Of course, all the paperwork is by my computer at home.  I don't know what information I'm going to need (aside from payment details) as I've been a tad overeager to get my entry fee paid and so both times I've been to the page, I'm greeted with the below:

Being in the world of I.T. I am going to be wondering what its going to be like with thousands of people potentially clamoring to get their entry fee paid as soon as the system opens.  I'm imagining an "Anonymous" style Denial Of Service attack (to the uninitiated that's effectively where a website gets taken down / brought to its virtual knees because it cannot deal with the number of concurrent requests it has to deal with).  Anyway, I digress.  Worst case scenario I'll just do it when I get home.  I have my place and rider number already so I wont miss out on this amazing experience I was fortunate enough to be one of the lucky 25,000 riders (out of 80,000) to be selected.

Another semi-achievement last night, the slow cooked bolognese I made on Sunday is finally gone!  Well, when I say "gone" I mean I got it down to a small enough portion to go into a smaller container which then went into the freezer.  As lovely as it has been and I would say that the flavours really did get better given a chance to mingle, it will be nice to have something different for dinner tonight.  Note to self for the next time I make it, cut the ingredient measurements in half!

I didn't weigh myself this morning like I have been every Friday morning this year.  Yeah something else I had forgotten to do but to be honest I remembered that I had forgotten (well the sentence makes sense to me) as soon as I was dressed and I couldn't be bothered to strip down to my boxers again just to step on the scales.  So I wont weigh myself tonight, but I did tell my friend Claire F that I would do it Saturday morning before setting off to Stansted airport and again the following Sunday just to see the overall difference a winter sports holiday would have on my weight.  Claire thinks it'll either stay pretty much the same or I'll have a small increase, what do you think will happen?  Answers / guesses in the comments section, the correct answer will be selected at random and you will be in a chance of winning 20 gallons of slow cooked bolognese sauce.

Right you lovely lot, I'd best crack on with things here at this end.

Thanks for taking the time on your busy Fridays to read my verbal dump and I shall write again very soon!



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