The return to semi-normalcy-ish-kinda

hi everyone.  Its been a weird sort of day which started off with some very random dreams.  When I say "started" I do mean this side of midnight so technically it was today.  I dreamt that I was in the office but that a former co-worker was there (the name will be withheld to protect the not so innocent).  I didn't know why he was there but I knew he shouldn't be, except that he was.

Anyway, back in the real world and in the office this morning I went to the kitchen to get my regular coffee to kick start the grey matter and in there is a guy from my team that I didn't really get a chance to talk to yesterday.  So we just start the usual "hey, hows it going, how was your holiday?" type stuff and I start telling him about being in Kaprun. But while I'm talking about it, it was actually like I was back there on the glacier with Keegan, white snow, blue skies, just like the picture of the glacier below that I cannot take credit for (it came from

For some reason and I have no idea why, I feel my voice start to waiver and the start of being choked up.  You know that feeling when you're telling a really sad story, except it wasn't a sad story, it was an awesome happy story which is so much better and I knew I needed and wanted to get back.  But not just me, with Keegan.  So, I went onto the crystal ski website again and laid down the deposits for Keegan and I to return to Kaprun in February 2019! Only 361 more sleeps to go and lots of time for me to pay the balance before its due.  But it was just so weird as I'm talking about the glacier and I could see it right there, in front of me.  Suffice to say that once I paid the deposits it was like the night before Xmas again and I just needed to tell people. I've even already booked the time off of work and also asked L that I'd like to have Keegan again for the Feb half term next year.

Well I'm fully back on the healthy eating wagon again.  Muller light yogurt for breakfast, spicy chicken salad for lunch (yes another food picture coming up) and dinner tonight was some left over bolognese sauce which I just had with some salad, and a light vinaigrette dressing.

It doesn't take Sasha long to get back into a routine again so she starts trotting about when I finish dinner as she knows I'm going to get changed and then its out for our evening brisk walk.  To the uninitiated its a 4.1 mile walk in a rather large circle.  I started doing it at the beginning of the year when I was on SlimmingWorld (albeit briefly) before mixing in a bit of running on the route with the aim of getting my fitness to the point when I could run the entire route.  With Sasha as a walking / running buddy she definitely helped.  Shes a little out of practice right now so right now shes snoring away behind me on my side of the bed (how dare she)

As some of you may know, I've been on a few dates organised by the online fraternity of dating sites (which cane be classified as paid for or free dating sites).  Anyway, I wrote an analogy on my views of internet dating and how its essentially like job hunting.  Apologies if you've read it before, but I just wanted to also put it on my blog spot so here goes.

So I was chatting to a friend last night on my drive home and I realised that I've got a few analogies re online dating or just dating sites these days.

The most recent one that my brain created is as follows. You're the M.D. / chairman / CEO / head honcho / big cheese of your own company. For me its "Dave Inc.". Your friends / family make up the board members in your company. Some have been part of your company for longer than others and become very good at their role, so good, they stay there.

Then you get bored being the M.D. on your own and so start seeking, well, a partner. But, because the board members are so good at what they do and have been doing it for so long, that promotion from within never happens. So you advertise externally (dating site) and start looking over CVs (dating site profiles). Eventually, interviews start happening (dates) which might also include panel interviews (including board members). Thing is, you're for a very senior position in your company and you've really no idea after even a few lengthy interviews that the person is a good fit, but you offer them the position and maybe they accept, maybe they don't. They haven't worked their way up from the proverbial mail room.

Plus, also at the same time you're also interviewing for a partnership at their company too and the two paragraphs above also apply to you.

OMG, its a fickle world. Dating sites truly suck as they've tried to apply scientific formula to mutual attraction. But, no matter how good the site is you still at the very least require someone to be genuine on their CV as you don't want to offer a permanent role to someone that either just wants interview practice or is only interested in contracting...

Finally I'd like to talk about a charity event I'm taking part in this April. Its a repeat of last April's snowboarding / ski charity event where me and 10 others went to the Hemel Hempstead snowcentre and snowboarded / skied for 11 hours.  OK, 10 hours each in total as we took a staggered 1 hour break.  I remember that day / afternoon / evening (7:30am - 6:30pm) and how my legs felt at the very end of it.  Being a complete loon I also stuck around and had a 2 hour snowboarding lesson from 8pm-10pm.  Didn't get home until 1am the following morning which I think was the universe punishing me for finishing so late.  Anyway!  I digress again.  Last year we did it for Macmillian Cancer Support and we managed to surpass our projected fundraising target.  This year its for Dementia UK and I am hoping that you'll get some pleasure in imagining me once again walking like an extra out of "Shaun of the dead" for the rest of the week.  If my pain brings you pleasure (or at the very least makes you smile) then it would be great if you could help us with a donation.  We have a justgiving page set up on (Steven Whorlow is the guy that organised this and last years events).

But I'm not all about the ole "give me money" (well, give the justgiving site money).  So I've also been waxing snowboards in return for pledges to donate and for the most part its gone OK.  There was a small spillage incident with some liquid teflon on a friends snowboard and he accused me of trying to kill him because it was a tad "slick" but he's since had his man-jina removed and grown a pair (he knows who he is, if he does read this) :-)


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