Kaprun - the Bage’s have landed

Hi everyone, well we are finally here!

Ok we’ve been here since yesterday but was running on fumes so got to the room, put on the olympics (hoping to catch a fleeting glimpse of my man Jamie Nicholls) and we both just fell asleep.

So a low key first day but the hotel we’re staying in has been brilliant thus far (Hotel Tauernhof).  The Saturday night meal was a full on buffet so I really did fill my proverbial boots.  I’ve gravitated towards Kaiser beer (yes I’ve REALLY fallen off the SlimmingWorld wagon) and have started to teach Keegan how to play pool.

We’ve organised an away day on Tuesday with Crystal Ski.  So we had to upgrade our lift passes to SUPER lift passes which I think now means I can go on any bloody mountain in Europe for the rest of the week.  Probably not true but I like to think it is.

Anyway! So today! Huge event.  I finally went on a mountain for the first time ever!  

A good photo of Keegan there right at the base.  Once organised we headed up in the gondola to the first station.  Then another gondola to the second station.  Once we got up there, OMG, it’s like the universe wanted to show off nature at its best....

Tell me that’s not a gorgeous view right there.  There are definitely worse ways to spend a Sunday...

The weather did turn a bit overcast later on especially when we went to the top of the glacier (3,029m) where it was -9 and snowing sideways.  But we went out on the observation deck for a couple of pics and a FaceTime phone call with my sis.

Then back down the mountain for a spot of lunch which was, well a burger and “small” chips

So you can see that it was anything but!  Would explain the extortionate price.  Definitely just getting a large portion of chips between us for lunch tomorrow.


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