just a few hours left...

It’s the final countdown!  Keegan is in his room playing call of duty, of course I am kidding, he’s on Minecraft.

The bags are now all packed and I find myself with first world problems.  Whatever could you mean Dave? I hear you think to yourselves, well let me tell you.  I am severely under my baggage allowance, it’s embarrassing.  I have two suitcases that are both about 7kgs under, the carry on bags are about halfway to capacity in fact one of them looks like we ram raided Willy Wonkas chocolate factory...

The only one that is relatively close is the board bag and even that has about 4-5kgs left on it.

The good news is that Keegan’s foot is now fighting fit!  Hooray! He even said “I can even run on it dad! Watch!”  A split second later before his inner Usain kicked in I banned him from running.

I have to say that today I was very impressed with Amazon!  It’s like they knew exactly what I was needing and I received an email touting “Amazon Prime now”.  So I went onto the site and found a bathroom bag (aka toiletries bag), another external battery AND two continental plug converter thingies.  Ordered them all at 10am, they arrived at work at 12:30!  The tracking on it is a little scarey as it’s like the delivery driver has been low jacked.  Big brother was definitely watching him and by big brother I’m referring to me.

Opened the package, “bloody hell there’s a lot of plugs in here” I think to myself, “what have they done?”.  I go back to the order, hmmmm, I ordered 2 x bags of 5 converter plug thingies.  So I’ve packed three of them and I have no clue what to do with the rest of them, I couldn’t even give them away at work.

I suppose i could pack them, I definitely have the baggage capacity going spare.

On different news, my place is now confirmed on the Prudential RideLondon 100!  I’m going to be replacing the tyres on my bike with Continental Gatorskins.  These are road bike tyres but they have a layer of Kevlar in them which makes them very puncture resistant.  All the same I’m going to be packing spare inner tubes and a canister of compressed air just in case...

I tell you what, this blog writing is proving challenging on an iPhone but after a few downloads to get pictures off my phone and getting the chrome browser app on here it is all finally coming together.

Right, am going to sign off for now and do a final check on the bags and see if there are any other things I can pack...

Catch you all on the other side...



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