Bluebird skies and base layers

hi all!  Only me reporting in from you know where.  Yep Kaprun, Austria.  It’s been an absolutely gorgeous albeit freezing day! So the winter soldier and I put on our base layers which I like to think makes me look like some sort of milk tray snowboarding ninja but with Dare2Be emblazoned on them. Out to the glacier and it was positively rammed! The sort of queues you expect to see at a theme park to go onto a ride and we were only trying to get up a mountain!

Anyway, inching forwards and muttering to myself that the next person to jostle myself or Keegan or lays their rental sh*t on my f**king board I’m gonna go into ski rage meltdown and shove that bloody pole where archaeologists won’t find it even after they’ve decomposed.  Aaaah that’s better, the therapeutic blog entry.  So we eventually get up to the Alpine centre and started queuing for the next gondola to take us up to the top of the glacier.  Then I suggest to Keegan we forget that as again it too was inching forwards and I was still sensing a vein jutting out in my forehead.  So we took a blue run to the start of the black Mamba to catch a chairlift up from there.  Unfortunately it would seem the rest of the mountain had the same idea and that chair lift was rammed!

It would seem the entirety of Austria had gone to the glacier today but it’s like having a sunny day and everyone in the UK flocking to Brighton.  Anyway we get up the chairlift and decide to go to the alpine centre to catch the gondola to the top.  Somehow we took a wrong turn and missed the centre, so took another chairlift up, same plan, missed again!  Third time was the charm though but we were then hungry so thought maybe an early lunch.  Would also seem the entire mountain was also hungry, the restaurant was packed so we finally took a gondola to the top of the mountain! I set my tracking app on as I was mindful of Keegan’s challenge (35mph+) but didn’t get there.  So we then went in for lunch and sat outside.

Don’t let the picture fool you, we couldn’t feel our fingers.  Then we took a ride down the mountain on “Red 11”.  Towards the end it becomes quite smooth (no skiers laying down and less bumpy) so you can really go for it if you want to, so I did!

A brown adrenaline moment but 38.7mph!

After another ascent right to the top we decided to do one last run from the very top to the bottom.  I tell you what, it recorded at 3.1 miles but my legs were positively screaming at me towards the end.  All in all a great day at the glacier.  Then we got caught up in the sodding cattle market to get down the mountain!  I swear, it’s like manners and sensibilities go right out the window.  Never mind the mad rush for the bus, I’m not sure but I think I now know “every man for themselves!” In three languages.  We got onto a bus, got seated, the rest of Europe piled on and it was wall to wall skiers.  Including Keegan and I there were about 3-5 snowboarders on there.  Anyway, all those people meant quite a bit of body heat.  Yep, Keegan and I might have nodded off and missed our stop.  Only by 10 miles mind you...


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