And here we are!

Its been an absolute age since I had a blog to record my own highly random thoughts, so I've been recently inspired by someone else's multi-faceted blog to start again.

Not many of you will remember that way back in the day (approx 2003-ish) I used to have one that was attached to MSN Messenger.  Those little gold stars that would appear next to the person's name meant they'd done an update to their profile and as it would seem, people liked reading about what I was getting up to and hearing about my ever so random thoughts.

I promise to make at the very least zero posts per day for you to scrutinise, comment on or otherwise destroy with even more well thought out random thoughts.

So, what sort of things will I be writing about?  Well its my blog so pretty much anything I bloody well want to.  I can't say its a travel blog as I dont really go on holiday loads, except very soon I'll be heading off to snowier climates with Keegan (a.k.a. Winter soldier).  My weight loss journey which to be completely honest is nearly done so wont be writing too much about that unless people really want to know about it, but any other things going on in my head or out there in the real world that I'm getting up to, have done, or just a vent about this / that / the other...

So, to finish this semi-short initial post, I'm still trying to figure out the layout of this blog spot, but last night I did think of a good tag line for it all and that is "Here I am trying to make my mark on the world by not fitting in"


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