
Showing posts from May, 2018

Onwards and sidewards (and a little bit backwards)

Its strange when you think that you're making progress only to find that you've actually regressed.  Oh don't worry about me, I'm absolutely fine both physically and mentally (well the jury is still out on that one) I'd had an already interesting day by the time I got to the snow centre with Keegan on Friday evening (I'll get into that later) but by the time I got there I was quiet.  Claire picked up on that straight away and was asking me what was wrong, but I had no answer to give because, well, I didn't know.  I thought maybe it was the rushed day at trying to get things done in time? Maybe the traffic on the M25 for the Bank Holiday weekend?  Maybe the stupid disclaimer we had to sign to say that the snowcentre or Sixt wouldn't be liable for any intentional damage to the £50,000 brand new BMW X2 parked in the middle of the slope?  No, it wasn't those things although the last thing was and still is in my eyes "bloody stupid".  No,

Wooop wop de (sugar free) gummi bear style

OK so a small play on words for gangnam style for this next verbal dumping into my blog.... As some of you may be aware I bought 3kgs of sugar free gummi bears for Claire F to take on a ski trip.  Well, 1kg found its way back to me and I took them into work.  They're still going although Joao and me have consumed the lions share as most are too scared (wise) to eat any.  Last Friday (18th May) I decided to have quite a few.  I didn't count exactly but it was more by the handful.  The toxic emissions started at work but had died down by the time I got home.  Next thing I feel is a rumbling in my guts.  It felt like my intestines were being inflated like a sodding balloon animal.  Being the cautious person I am, I did go to the little boys room because I didn't trust a fart at all, and for good reason.  Afterwards I went for a lay down as being horizontal made the intestinal reinflation much more comfortable. Thats when my stomach really started to complain.  It sounde

A catch up on events

Hey all! Happy Monday?  Hmmmm that felt weird to type. Sorry its been a while since I posted, I'll admit to be struggling for material to put into this entry to keep it even semi-engaging but my random brain has really come through for me the last few days Avengers : Infinity War Keegan and I finally got to see this film!  Again, being the seat snob that I now am, we sat in the recliner section right in the middle of the front row, Keegan sitting to the left of me.  To the right of me was a family and I was sitting next to their son who was the biggest fidget I've ever "met".  He eventually settled and stopped talking to the characters in the film. That being said Keegan and I both really enjoyed the film.  I'd heard that they really tried to fit a lot into this movie and they weren't kidding.  There was no letting up on things at all!  Keegan and I both had our favourite parts but I'm not going to say anything about it at all in case you're i

Yay! Its Friday!

Theres something about waking up on a sunny Friday at the start of a three day weekend isn't there?  Ok it doesn't completely detract away from if you've had a completely crap week, but if your week has been just, well, normal then its a nice little boost.  If your week has been good then its a HUGE boost. So last Friday (27th April) Keegan and I went to the snowcentre for the first big park Friday of the year The photo is from the lesson slope with the smaller features on where we went to warm up.  Yes that's entirely doable in a -6 fridge as long as you're flexible on the "warm" and "up".  After a while I decided to hit the main slope but on the smaller features side of it.  Up until then I'd never been on the main slope on a freestyle night as I always considered it to be where the big boys (and girls) played.  But, trying to follow my own advice I decided to step a little out of my comfort zone and headed up there. Not being c