
Showing posts from April, 2018

I'm living the lifestyle

I'd have blagged the URL but unfortunately it was already taken by the Johnny (Brian)-five "short circuit" type robot but I've been having quite a few senior moments that I'm sure will entertain you or at the very least make you glad you've still got most of your faculties in order. The main part of this blog entry started last Friday (20th April), there is another separate incident which I'll just say, "leaving the best for last" that occurred before then.  Anywho, Claire F decided to come on down and visit the massage therapist that I went to see when I was suffering from post traumatic rigour mortis in my legs after the snowboarding event.  I suggested we go out for dinner to a place in Croydon called the JRC world buffet (it used to be called Cosmo's).  Knowing the place can get quite busy I booked a table for 8pm which I thought would make the journey to Croydon relatively post-rush hour free.  So, Claire got to mine and we start t

What a week it has been!

This is going to be quite the mixed bag of a post ranging from hi's to lo's and in the middles.  But its not like any of my posts to ever follow a specific theme.  I already kinda know what I'm going to put into them and just think of some random "meh" title before I even write anything.  I could put it down to pure laziness as the title is the first box on the blog editor screen and I really cannot be arsed to scroll up or even move the mouse once I start writing away. So it all started last Monday, the day before the 11 hour snowboard-athon at the Hemel Snowcentre.  I got to work and still wasnt entirely prepared for the next few days.  Fortunately I was able to arrange a last second half-days annual leave which was awesome to do as I've had a .5 day on my annual leave for ages just waiting to be used up and it had been bugging the crap out of me, a lot more than it really should have been but thats just me and one of my oh so many foibles.  So, I get home

Just keep pushing...

I hope you all had a nice easter holiday break?  I may have gone a bit overboard with Easter eggs as there was such a good deal on them at Asda so my kitchen was partially reminiscent of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except I only had Keegan to do the washing up and not a small army of oompah-loompahs. It was a good break though from work, payday on the Thursday and Keegan, Claire and I at the snowcentre first thing Good Friday morning for their Have a go freestyle session.  Seems weird the full parks are no longer on a Friday evening though but thats the snowcentre's decision to do, or rather not do that.  Saturday morning and it was an even earlier wakey upey time as Keegan's freestyle lesson starting at 8am.  The good news though and I think Keegan is getting a little spoiled for this is his group lesson as well as the last one, well its been just a one-to-one with him and Dave Thompson.  Claire and I watching on from the warmth of the lodge bar as I'd only ma