
Showing posts from September, 2021

My first Brighton (unintended ultra) marathon

Cant believe the event has now been done. The number of miles I've ran in preparation, the ridiculous 3:45am alarms so I could get my long base run done before starting work at 7:30am.  The number of times I've been caught short on a training run which was equally embarassing as well as frustrating at how my body just would not behave itself and decide it needed to get to a toilet ASAP.  The build up to the event day itself, September 12th 2021 in Brighton started the week before. I had completely adjusted my diet in terms of what times I would eat at, my main meal being at lunch time and dinner being something light at 5pm. No snacking after that. Making sure my water consumption was definitely up to scratch. The shift to mostly carbs in the last few days. The tapering week of my TrainerRoad program that I'd been working through for about 23 weeks.  The next thing I knew it was September 11th. Aside from the obvious poignant reasons about that date, 20 years later