
Showing posts from February, 2020

My first unofficial (unintended) quasi triathlon

As my friends well know, whenever I have a challenge that I need to prepare for, then the blinkers go on and its all about that.  Not to the detriment of work mind you. Obviously I'm STILL talking about my Guildford triathlon challenge.  Out of the three disciplines, in order of my strengths from worst to best its Swimming, Running, Cycling.  So the rationale I'm applying then is to concentrate on the weakest event. Step 1 was joining the Racestrong triathlon club which I wrote about in my previous blog primarily for some swimming coaching as it makes good sense to be taught by someone that knows what they're talking about instead of thrashing about in a pool, consuming boat loads of energy and potentially not even managing the challenge.  OK I know I can manage a 500 metre swim, I just want to do it as efficiently as possible which in my head means as fast as possible, or as I now like to say "Same results for half the effort" (thank you Rob Needham for that

My first week with the Racestrong triathlon club

Given I've signed up for the Guildford Triathlon this summer (what was I thinking) just for good measure I also signed up for my 2nd London event, the Swim the Serpentine 2 mile (SERIOUSLY DAVE! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?), it was suggested to me to join the Racestrong Triathlon Club. They're Woking based and have been around for a few years now.  On the park runs I've done before, I had noticed a few people wearing t-shirts with the club name on them but never realised at that point it was a club. Now I'm not overly concerned about my cycling and running disciplines.  In both of those I'm faster than some and slower than others but the cycling fitness has slipped over the last year so I do want to get that back (and be a regular fast-inters rider at WCC) and it would be awesome to do a sub-20 minute 5k (current PB is 22:23).  What really needs a lot of work is my swimming. The last week has been a real eye opener for me with regards to me and "swimmin

Happy 2nd Birthday to my blog

Fortunately it was a Facebook memory that cued me to realise this. Cannot believe my first blog post was done on this day back in 2018 and I’m still continuing to make my mark on the world by not fitting in. I’m actually laying in bed, it’s 2:20am and I’m typing this on my iPhone notes app. I have a lot to be thankful for really when I think about things. I was inspired by a blogger to take this up again and it’s been a great outlet for me. Ok while it may seem like I vent about anything and everything, even the seemingly randomness has an air of control about it all as I don’t want you all seeing how completely dool alley I really am. What I really enjoy is how each blog entry tends to write itself. I’m never sitting, staring at an empty page trying to force myself to write. It’s my fingers that are doing their best to keep up with my brain as it just vents. It can be an observation that I’ve made that day or an event. But I’ll tell my friends “I’ve feel a blog entry coming o