
Showing posts from December, 2018

The online world and (un)social media

Granted that I'm a guy that is a software developer and these days primarily focused in the online world I am happy to say that I haven't ever contributed towards what I am now calling unsocial media.  Yes its a bit of a whinge, OK you got me, its a lot of a whinge but its only recently that I'm realising, at least for myself, the world of social media is having quite the opposite effect to which I believe it was intended to be. The internet I would say has done equal amounts of good and harm.  Its brought people closer together, we can share things, ideologies, pictures, message relatives on the other side of this planet in seconds and maybe that is just where the problem starts.  It's as casual and easy as showing your relatives in Australia what you're having for breakfast that morning so we don't give it a second thought.  We're no longer invested in the bigger picture as we're now in an on-demand age that a five minute wait for things is n