
Showing posts from September, 2018

The monthly catch-up

I've been suffering from a bit of writers block if that can pertain to me when I do not actually consider myself to be a writer anyway.  I suppose that is the thing about having a blog and like I always tell people that you should only put online what you're prepared for the world to know. Work has been trundling along as always with good and bad days but that is nothing that we all shouldn't expect.  But don't worry, the good is outweighing the bad and for that I'll always be appreciative. I actually managed to get out on my first ever club ride with Woking Cycle Club a couple of weekends ago on 9th September.  It was great weather for a trip to the Surrey Hills and a different ascent up Leith Hill on Anstie Lane.  We were not even halfway into our route when we had this "thing" thrown at us.  Suffice to say, coming close to the top of the climb I'm standing on my pedals, in 1st or 2nd gear, my heart rate is 172bpm, the sweat is dripping down m