
Showing posts from January, 2020

Friendships - what I want to tell Keegan

When I spend time with Keegan, more often than not now he tells be about the drama's that are happening at school with his friends or if he likes a girl and she likes him etc.  It does make me smile and I'm please to say that he does make friends much easier than I ever did when I was at school and probably even today. I did a post a while ago about unsocial media and how I think its done more harm than I believe it ever was intended.  Not that I believe it was created to ever mess things up.  But then again, if someone was to create a computer game that proved to be massively successful, then odds on people would be addicted to it and therein it would have a negative effect in getting that person out into the fresh air and meeting new people etc. So Keegan said that when he gets to being 13 that he wants to have a Facebook account.  Of course I told him that he would need to be careful and gave him the short talk on how online, anybody can be anybody they choose to be. 

2019 - A year in extensive review

Hello friends... what a year 2019 was for me! It literally had been the highest of highs and quite frankly some real low points in there also. The cycling did continue even to the point where I became a ride leader with Woking Cycling Club.  I'd made huge gains on my fitness and even did 4 organised rides over 100 miles each.  So now my longest ride is approx 130 miles. Keegan and I enjoyed another week in Austria.  Weather-wise it was absolutely brilliant with sunny days the majority of the time.  Although the down side to that is the limited (non-existent) snow fall meant conditions were deteriorating over the course of the week we were there. But we went to more places this time than the previous time.  The village lifts were walking distance from the hotel so we occasionally used them as a bit of a warm up.  The picture below was taken from the very top of the village lifts with the typical weather we had for the week. The year starting off well, I was still using