
Showing posts from February, 2019

I hate packing

358 days ago I put down the deposit for Keegan and me to head right back to Kaprun.  The excitement had barely subsided and I was missing those bluebird skies and subzero temperatures. Since Sunday I have been preparing the snowboards for their journey.  For those of you that know me and how I prepare a snowboard, its a bit of a "rinse and repeat" method except theres not too much rinsing and more repeating.  Base wax ironed on, base wax scraped off (getting my karate kid on) then zardoz (liquid teflon), then more wax ironed on, then more zardoz ironed in, then more zardoz ironed in (repeat about 5 times).  The wax starts becoming a bit difficult to work with, but I know the board is going to absolutely fly down those slopes.  The only time I've ever used more zardoz was in the great zardoz spillage of 2018 (or was it 2017 Matt?).  Anyway, the finished products are here to see (and you can see the reflection of the curtains on their surfaces too)... But yes,

Its that time of the year again...

Hi all!  Well after what seemingly was / is a large break from blogging, but there is now "the blog that never was" and some of you will know what that means. Here is the next entry in my oh so random collection of thoughts. Its that time of the year again where winter isn't sure when its coming or going, but I would like to think that it is now going as the temperatures are picking up slowly, snow and ice are also vanishing (well, ok, vanished from where I bobble about in). Kaprun Keegan and I are now only 9 days away from heading back to Kaprun.  Seems weird that Kaprun has been a thing on the radar for 352 days so far.  9 days away from views like this that have been my computer background for the lions share of the year... Keegan has done incredibly well saving his pocket money for the trip.  OK in reality he's been banned from spending it so I do wonder how he will be with the money he has accrued over the course of the year. The Prudential RideLond